
중국 15세 소녀. 10대 집단 폭행.

12-24 2022. 5. 16. 03:56

참으로 슬프다. 

출처: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/peoplesdaily/article-3404626/


15 year old Chinese girl stripped, slapped and kicked by bullies

A video has emerged online of a 15-year-old schoolgirl being beaten by a gang of girls in Hainan province. The video was reportedly filmed by passersby who chose to film rather than intervene.


Horrifying moment a 15-year-old girl is stripped, slapped and kicked by a group of teen bullies 

  • An unidentified teen was battered by a gang of girls in Hainan, China
  • She was beaten as several passersby recorded the ordeal on their phone
  • The video appeared online prompting debate on teen violence in China 


A shocking video has emerged online of a 15-year-old schoolgirl being stripped and brutally beaten by a gang of girls in Lingao, Hainan province.

Local police say they are investigating the incident along with the cyber police crime department, the People's Daily Online reports. 

The viral video, thought to be filmed by a onlooker, has prompted a debate online about teen violence in China and whether or not the passersby should have intervened. 



The video shows the gang of girls, all of whom are unidentified, beating the one teenager by violently kicking and slapping her. 

They then start to strip her of her clothes. 

The girl tries to run away along the rural road but the gang chased her and caught up with her. Then they kicked and slapped the lone victim again.

As they beat her, a group of young girls in their school uniform appeared to stand and watch. 

Local police were then made aware of the video and started investigating the case. 

The cause of the violence is currently unknown.  

Brutal: The girls slapped, kicked and stripped the young girl while others filmed and watched +4
The video has prompted mass debate online about teen violence +4
Brutal: The girls slapped, kicked and stripped the young girl while others filmed and watched

According to Chinese media, the incident was filmed by onlookers who chose to film rather than intervene.

The video was uploaded online and quickly became viral.

On iqiyi.com, one of China's most popular video-sharing sites, the 78-second clip has been viewed nearly 4.4 million time since it appeared on January 17. 

The video has prompted mass debate online about teen violence.

One user on Facebook named Yunlei Gao wrote: 'Chinese overseas students did the same thing in the USA and they ended up being put in jail from two to eight years. Why do we not do the same thing to these rude and shameless teenagers in our country?'

CCTV News reported that there has been a surge in school violence over the past few years. 

A study by China Youth Research Center in 2015 showed that out of 5,864 respondents in 10 provinces, 32.5 per cent said they had been bullied. 

Just last week, a video emerged on Chinese social media of a group of bullies violently attacking a young boy and throwing him into a rice field. One of the bullies was recording the entire ordeal.  

In October last year a video was released online showing a schoolgirl forced to eat rubbish out of a bin by a bully.  

