
어머니 집에서 5형제 중 3명 사상. (2명 사망.)

12-24 2022. 3. 22. 08:43

무자식 상팔자 (無子息 上八字)

자식이 없는 것이 도리어 걱정이 없이 편하다는 말. [표준국어대사전]

오늘(21일) 오전 10시쯤 경남 사천시 한 주택에서 60대 남성과 50대 남성이 숨진 채 발견됐습니다.

숨진 두 남성의 형인 60대 남성 A 씨도 크게 다쳐 119 구급대원이 병원으로 옮겼습니다.


머리에 큰 상처를 입은 A 씨는 의식이 없는 상태입니다.


숨진 형제들은 목이 졸린 흔적이나 둔기에 맞은 상처가 있었습니다.


전화를 받지 않는다는 자녀의 신고를 받고 출동한 119구급대원들이 잠긴 문을 열고 들어갔더니 3형제가 거실에 쓰러져 있었습니다.


해당 주택은 형제들의 돌아가신 어머니가 살던 집입니다.


About 10 am today (21st MAR), two man in 60s and 50s were found to had been killed in Gyeongnam Sacheon City.


The A in 60s, the two killed men's brother, were also found seriously injured, and 119 paramedics took him to the hospital and Mr. A is not conscious due to the significant injury.


The dead brothers had the abrasion to be strangled by the throat or bruise to be hit by a blunt instrument.

The 119 paramedics had received the child's report that they did not receive the call. They opened the door, and they found the three brothers was falling into the living room.

The house is where the deceased mother of the brothers had lived.


adren (명사) 성인 자녀 (자녀의 나이가 18세 이상일 때 사용하는 용어)

[Int. English Graduate School New Words Dictionary]


Cuts, Scratches, and Abrasions. [https://www.hopkinsallchildrens.org/]

  • Cuts: These are injuries to the skin caused by something sharp, like a knife.
  • Scratches: These are slight injuries that happen when a sharp object, like a fingernail or thorn, scrapes along your skin the way a pencil scrapes across paper.
  • Abrasions (say: uh-BRAY-zhunz): This is a scrape that happens when the skin is rubbed away. For example, you might get a "rug burn" while wrestling with your brother or a "board burn" if you wipe out on your skateboard when you weren't wearing kneepads.

Injury, Wound, and Bruise. [https://www.lybrate.com/]

Wounds and bruises are both injuries. However, they differ widely in terms of the causing factors, the nature of the injury, the pain they cause and the kind of treatment they require.

The following are a few of the myriad ways in which the two injuries differ from each other:

  1. A wound causes quick damage - the skin tissue is cut or punctured while a bruise (also called a closed wound) is where the skin is not torn.
  2. A wound is usually caused by a sharp object but bruises are the results of blunt force or trauma.
  3. A wound almost certainly bleeds due to ruptured tissue and blood vessels. Blunt injury also damages the blood capillaries of the skin and causes blood to accumulate under the skin tissue, creating a dark patch of skin. Blood vessels can also break due to lifting of heavy objects or overexertion of muscles.
  4. A wound carries the risk of infection because the skin is open but a bruise does not get infected.
  5. A wound has a burning or stinging sensation but a bruise is characterized by swelling and a blunt throbbing pain.
  6. A wound can be healed by antiseptic and antibiotic medication. Large wounds need to be closed by stitching them up to avoid severe infection. On the other hand, a bruise usually heals by itself. A cold compress and pain killers may be used to ease discomfort. Heat can be applied to the injured spot to normalize the blood flow and dissolve the blood clot.
  7. A wound can lead to complications like bacterial infections or the healing might be delayed by chronic diseases like diabetes. In case of a bruise, it usually does not cause complications but if there's a blunt injury to sensitive areas like the head, the tailbone or the eyes, medical attention is advised.
  8. Wounds and bruises can also be differentiated on the basis of their subtypes.

The different types of wounds are:

  • Incision (sharp objects cutting the dermis layer of skin)
      절상(折傷)인 듯. 절개(切開). (crucial incision 십자 절개.) / 'cut'(베임)과 비슷한 듯.
  • Abrasion (the epithelial tissue is scraped off)
  • Avulsion (a body structure is torn off)
      열상(裂傷, 찢어진 상처)인 듯. <의학> 수술·사고 따위에 의한 조직의 박리(剝離), 적출(摘出). / 열상(裂傷)인 듯.
  • Penetration (a sharp object causes an entry and an exit wound)
  • Puncture (only an entry wound caused by a sharp object)
      자상(刺傷), (찔려서 생긴) 구멍(상처).

The different types of bruises are:

  • Hematoma (blood pools under the skin)
  • Purpura (tiny spots of blood on the inside of the mouth)
  • Contusion (similar to hematoma and caused by external trauma)
      좌상[挫傷, 외부로부터 둔중(鈍重)한 충격을 받아 피부 표면에는 손상이 없으나 내부 조직이나 내장이 다치는 일], 타박상(打撲傷).
  • Crush injury (caused due to a large amount of force on the body part for a long time).
      Cf. 으깸손상, 압궤(壓潰)손상.


