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김정호의 세계경제일주. 일본이 다시 뜨고 미국과 중국은 갈라선다. 한국의 앞날은? | 한중일 경제 삼국지 4편 🇰🇷🔥 / RCEP vs CPTPP

12-24 2023. 6. 30. 07:14

Which countries are in the CPTPP and RCEP trade agreements and which want in? 



Which countries are in the CPTPP and RCEP trade agreements and which want in?

The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) is a free trade agreement, signed by 11 Asia-Pacific countries representing 13 percent of global GDP, lowering trade barriers in goods and services among member countries. Me


2022. 5. 24. RCEP·CPTPP보다 큰 IPEF…인구 25억명에 GDP는 전세계의 40.9% / https://www.kita.net/cmmrcInfo/cmmrcNews/cmmrcNews/cmmrcNewsDetail.do?pageIndex=1&nIndex=68529&sSiteid=1 


2022. 1. 15. RCEP vs CPTPP, 그 의미와 영향 / https://haninpost.com/archives/49641

RCEP는 미국 중심 환태평양경제동반자협정(CPTPP)의 대항마 성격이 짙다. 중국을 견제하는 미국의 무역 정책에 맞서 중국 주도로 RCEP가 추진된 것이다.


일본이 다시 뜨고 미국과 중국은 갈라선다. 한국의 앞날은? | 한중일 경제 삼국지 4편 🇰🇷🔥
