
돌파 감염? breakthrough infection. (코로나 백신 안정성 확보를 위한 의뢰인 연합)

12-24 2021. 12. 16. 09:01

'돌파 감염'은 뭘까? (breakthrough infection)

의사들에게도 익숙한 단어는 아닌 듯하다. 




출처: https://mascov.org/%EC%8B%9C%EC%A6%8C2


코로나 백신 안전성 확보를 위한 의료인 연합

국민의 건강을 수호하기 위해 결성한 < 코로나 백신 안전성 확보를 위한  의료인 연합>입니다.



참고. (WIKI)

A breakthrough infection is a case of illness in which a vaccinated individual becomes infected with the illness the vaccine is meant to prevent due to the vaccine failing to provide complete immunity against the pathogen(病原菌).

Breakthrough infections have been identified in individuals immunized against a variety of diseases including mumps, varicella (Chicken Pox), influenza, and COVID-19. The character of breakthrough infections is dependent on the virus itself. Often, the infection in the vaccinated individual results in milder symptoms and is of a shorter duration than if the infection was contracted naturally

Causes of breakthrough infections include biological factors in the recipient, improper administration or storage of vaccines, mutations in viruses and blocking antibodies, and other factors. For these reasons, vaccines are rarely 100% effective. A 2021 study found the common flu vaccine provided immunity to the flu in 58% of recipients. The measles vaccine fails to provide immunity to 2% of children that receive the vaccine. However, if herd immunity exists, it typically prevents individuals who are ineffectively vaccinated from contracting the disease. Accordingly, herd immunity reduces the number of breakthrough infections in a population.
