
닥터조 건강이야기 / 론 존슨 상원 의원 / 코로나19 백신.

12-24 2021. 11. 5. 04:41

아래 출처에서 일부 발췌함. 

[출처] 위싱턴DC 코로나 백신 간담회 (닥터조의 건강이야기 - 환자혁명) | 작성자 Dr 조


코로나 백신 신약임상시험 과정에서 화이저가 제출한 72개 연구 중에 결과를 도출한 연구는 단 1건.

연구결과를 공개한 연구는 0건.


무슨 말인가? 임상시험이 아직 진행중이라는 뜻이다.


‘안전하다, 효과있다’라는 말을 아무도 할 수 없다는 것이다.


과학적인 분석이나 논리, 이성이 필요한 것이 아니라

귀에서 피가 나도록 끊임없는 이야기해주는 이들과 그걸 듣다보니 믿게되는 이들.

그렇게 둘 만 있을 뿐이다.


오늘 워싱턴 D.C. 에서 론 존슨 상원의원의 주재로 의사와 과학자들, 그리고 백신 부작용 피해자들의 간담회가 있었다.


그 중에는 <임상시험>에 참가했다가 부작용과 후유증을 겪은 이들의 증언도 있었다.

언론에 노출되지 않고 숨겨져 있었던 이들...

현재 백신 부작용 피해자들이 안티 백서, 백신 반대론자, 안아키로 몰리는 끔찍한 상황.


이게 우리들이 살아가는 세상의 민낯.

오늘 5시간 가까이 이어진 간담회에서는 논리적이고 실랄한 과학자들의 비판과 안타까운 피해자들의 사례가 이어졌지만 언론에서 볼 일은 없을 것이고, 유튜브에서는 삭제될 것이고, 내가 이렇게 글을 올려도 아무도 읽지 않을 것이다.

기록용으로 일기처럼 써둠

2021. 11. 2. 화요일

[참고] https://www.nbc15.com/2021/11/03/sen-johnson-hosts-panel-highlighting-people-claiming-be-harmed-by-covid-19-vaccines/

Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson is giving a stage to people who claim they were harmed by COVID-19 vaccinations. Tuesday, Johnson held a roundtable with several people who say they or a loved one experienced life-altering side-effects from various COVID vaccinations.

One panelist, who says she experienced adverse side effects from the vaccine, called for a federal safety net for others who are also injured. Another woman at the meeting claimed that those who catch COVID receive medical help, while those who have adverse side effects to vaccines are ignored.

The panel included researches and doctors who generally agreed vaccines have a role in fighting the pandemic, but also cautioned against mandating them. Johnson said the panel is not about creating fear or increasing vaccine hesitancy, but says federal health officials aren’t being honest when they say the vaccines are safe and effective, and shouldn’t be mandated. “I had COVID,” Johnson said. “I’ve had my antibodies tested as my doctor told me. I’ve got a whopping level of antibodies.” Johnson also spoke about his personal vaccination decision.

“Again, natural immunity should be strong, pretty long-lasting, which is the case of very, you know, many, many illnesses, many viruses,” Johnson said. “And so there’s no reason for me to get a vaccine.”
A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention fact page maintains the vaccines are safe and effective. It also acknowledges the existence of some of the adverse effects discussed at Johnson’s roundtable, and says COVID vaccines are under the most intense safety monitoring in U.S. history.

[참고] Roundtable 영상.



[참고] https://www.ronjohnson.senate.gov/2021/11/video-release-sen-ron-johnson-what-is-the-rationale-for-the-mandates-there-is-no-rationale


[참고] https://www.weau.com/2021/11/04/unvaccinated-nurse-posts-instagram-video-her-being-escorted-hospital/


[참고] Sen. Ron Johnson with families on adverse reactions to COVID vaccine | FOX6 News Milwaukee


