
[Archive 12.07.] 양복휴대용 케이스. Funshop. TIMOTHY.

12-24 2021. 3. 13. 23:00

TIMOTHY Contura™ Suit Carrier


원본 위치 <http://www.funshop.co.kr/vs/detail.aspx?categoryno=1394&itemno=14899>

(사라진 링크임.)




Omnimus has produced a lightweight, compact suit carrier that fits suits into carry-on bags.


The Contura Suit Carrier stores suits in a bag about the size of a laptop case without creasing or wrinkling the suit. Usually suits are carried in larger garment bags, but this is the first product developed to minimize the space needed to pack a suit. Wrinkle-free suit packing is accomplished with a foam insert inside the bag used to wrap the suit around.

Wade Tang, managing director of Omnimus, said, “Contura Suit Carrier is a simple travel goods concept with profound implications on business travel. Its ability to pack suits to a compact size and keeping them straight will give business travelers unprecedented new ways to pack their suits for travel and permanently change their travel habits.”


The bag measures 45.0cm x 32.5cm x 2.0cm and weighs 400g for suits up to 44-inch chests. The bag will cost $60 and will be available July 2008. A smaller bag is also available for suits up to 38-inch chests and measures 40.0cm x 26.5cm x 2.0cm.


Visit www.omnimus.com for more information.

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