카테고리 없음

잃어버리다. (O) 잃어 버리다. (X) / lose. (O) miss. (X)

12-24 2021. 2. 13. 14:59

You said you had lost the MagSafe 35W. 

And only the MacSafe 85W have remained.

It seems good luck with misfortune, because you can use 85W MacSafe instead of 35W,

but you can't use it the other way around.


lose는 '사물'을 잃어버린 경우 쓰인다. 

miss는 '교통편'이나 '기회'를 잃어버린 경우 쓰인다. 


I missed the chance to marry my first love who becomes a rich pharmacist.



잃어버리다 / 丢失 [diūshī] / おと-す [落(と)す], うしな-う [失う]

1. 동사  가졌던 물건이 자신도 모르게 없어져 그것을 아주 갖지 아니하게 되다.
2. 동사  어떤 사람과의 관계가 아주 끊어지거나 헤어지게 되다.
3. 동사  몸의 일부분이 잘려 나가거나 본래의 기능을 전혀 발휘하지 못하다.



출처: https://www.eslbuzz.com/confusing-words-miss-or-lose-whats-the-difference/


끝. END. . 終結(しゅうけつ)


