윈도우 스토어에서, 

델 파워 매니지먼트를 다운로드 받아 설치하면 조절이 가능하다. 


그런데, 내 것은 구형이어서 안 되는 것 같다. ㅡㅡ;








There NEEDS to be a utility or BIOS update to ALLOW Fan control on Dell xps 15, at the very least to Allow it to go into high performance fan speeds EARLIER. Can be a simple control utilizing Dell approved specs.  I specifically need to increase my fan sp



I recall Dell Command | Power Manager has an additional max performance power profile with raised fan rpms. 

But if you're having problems with high CPU and/or GPU temperatures it is more likely that you have a problem with bad thermal paste

If you are experiencing clock downthrottling after a few minutes while the CPU & GPU temperatures are not near their respective limits, the typical XPS 15 issue is overheated VRM mosfets. 


Fans don't reach them, unfortunately. Is this fixed in the coming generation??? Check iunlock's mod - adds some internal fin surface and redirects some of the cooling air, but requires good tinkering experience. 



recall: 기억하다.



가격이 저렴한 것은 너무 좋은데, 

웹 카메라 성능이 안 좋아서, 따로 웹캠을 사야 함. 







TIMOTHY Contura™ Suit Carrier


원본 위치 <http://www.funshop.co.kr/vs/detail.aspx?categoryno=1394&itemno=14899>

(사라진 링크임.)




Omnimus has produced a lightweight, compact suit carrier that fits suits into carry-on bags.


The Contura Suit Carrier stores suits in a bag about the size of a laptop case without creasing or wrinkling the suit. Usually suits are carried in larger garment bags, but this is the first product developed to minimize the space needed to pack a suit. Wrinkle-free suit packing is accomplished with a foam insert inside the bag used to wrap the suit around.

Wade Tang, managing director of Omnimus, said, “Contura Suit Carrier is a simple travel goods concept with profound implications on business travel. Its ability to pack suits to a compact size and keeping them straight will give business travelers unprecedented new ways to pack their suits for travel and permanently change their travel habits.”


The bag measures 45.0cm x 32.5cm x 2.0cm and weighs 400g for suits up to 44-inch chests. The bag will cost $60 and will be available July 2008. A smaller bag is also available for suits up to 38-inch chests and measures 40.0cm x 26.5cm x 2.0cm.


Visit www.omnimus.com for more information.

© Japan Today



적극 추천. 

별 6개는 극히 드물게 준다.









이제까지 산 중고 폰 중 가장 상태가 좋은 듯.  (A급 구매)








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